Thursday, September 14, 2023: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
This event is off-campus in Bearsville
Rinpoche is the resident lama and Spiritual Director of the Arya Tara’s Net community and center for Buddhist studies in Windeck, Germany. He was recognized at the age of 17 by H.H. Sakya Trichen as the reincarnation of the 5th Raktrul Rinpoche. He lives in Germany where he teaches regularly. He is currently on a North American tour and will be teaching at the Rubin Museum and Tibet House in New York City prior to arriving at Middle Way. He is appreciated for his learned, interactive, humorous and often unconventional way of communicating Buddhist teachings. Rinpoche works as a translator for the 84,000 Project, and as an expert Himalayan scholar for the Khyentse Vision Project and is a lay practitioner.
All MWS parents and caregivers are invited to attend. Adults-only event, as Rinpoche will be visiting campus the following day to spend time with the children.
Vegetarian potluck. RSVP on the Konstella event page by Tuesday, September 12 at 5 pm. Address will be provided to those who have replied. Please email [email protected] with any questions.

With Gaylon Ferguson
Barbara Bash and Carole Stamaty
at the Middle Way School
Saturday, April 15: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday, April 16: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
“The basis for the practice of meditation is appreciation. Every breath we take is a gift, naturally pure and good. We appreciate every pebble in the riverbed, every apple on the tree. Ordinary activities are in themselves powerful and worth appreciating.” —Chögyam Trungpa, “Mindfulness in Action: Making Friends with Yourself through Meditation and Everyday Awareness.”
The Art of Being Human is a foundational meditation course that encourages us to experience the present moment with openness and curiosity. Renowned teacher Gaylon Ferguson will guide us through a day and a half of sitting and walking meditation, discussion groups, and private meditation instruction. By cultivating kindness and compassion and relating directly to our fear, we uncover the bravery to engage in the world more fully in these challenging and potent times. We make the connection between our basic goodness and our daily lives, our communities, and the larger society we inhabit. Teachings on basic goodness and wakefulness are uniquely suited for busy people with families, jobs, and complicated eco systems — a rich opportunity to sit with ourselves, together.
Developed by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the most influential dharma teachers of the 20th century and the founder of numerous schools including Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, The Art of Being Human has been offered thousands of times all over the world for over 35 years. Gaylon Ferguson, PhD, has led mindfulness-awareness retreats for 45 years. He was Core Faculty in Religious Studies at Naropa University. The author of Natural Wakefulness (2009) and Natural Bravery (2016), he contributed the foreword to Black and Buddhist: What Buddhism Can Teach Us About Race, Resilience, Transformation and Freedom (2020). His articles and essays have appeared in Lion’s Roar, Tricycle, and Buddhadharma.
First-time meditators and experienced yogis welcome.
Suggested offering of $75 to cover costs. Any amount is perfect.
Registration is full

Children welcome to attend simultaneous screening Kiki’s Delivery Service in adjacent theater
On Sunday, March 26th the MWS Dharma Committee is presenting a screening of the remarkable film This Body is So Impermanent at the Orpheum Theater in Saugerties. Children are invited to attend a simultaneous screening of Kiki’s Delivery Service ($12 tickets). Children under the age of 5 will need parental supervision. This event is open to the public but MWS families have priority for a limited number of tickets. We anticipate it will sell out so please RSVP.
This very moving film was directed by Peter Sellars and features singer Ganavya, calligrapher Wang Dongling, and dancer Michael Schumacher. Their collaboration took place at the height of COVID lockdown, and resulted in this hour-long meditation on the Vimalakirti Sutra, a Buddhist text from the first century CE. With special Intro for MWS community by Peter Sellers.
Kiki’s Delivery Service is a classic 1989 Japanese animated fantasy film written, produced, and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
Discounted tickets are now sold out. Purchase Tickets at the Theater ($12 per ticket)


Join in person at Lite Brite Neon Studios/Cygnets Way
26 Downs St, Kingston, NY 12401
ADULTS ONLY please. There will be no childcare for this event.
Street parking is available and there is municipal parking about 4 blocks away near Yasuda.
From its inception, Buddhism has stressed the importance of meditating on and contemplating death. Within traditional stories of the life of the Buddha we are told the young prince started his spiritual journey only after seeing a sick person, an old person, and a corpse. The importance of keeping death and the impermanence of all phenomena present in our hearts and minds is found in various expressions, teachings and practices across the Buddhist world. For this Full Moon Dharma gathering we will explore, through conversation and guided meditation, Buddhist teachings on death and how being in intimate relationship with impermanence can enrich our lives and nurture compassion.
Jefre Cantu is a Soto Zen priest in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi. He has a Masters of Divinity in Buddhism and Interreligious Engagement from Union Theological Seminary, and currently works as a Hospice chaplain. He is also a parent to a Middle Way School bodhisattva and lives with his family and three cats in Kingston.

Tour of KTD Monastery with Lama Karma| Saturday, November 12, 2022, 9:30-11 AM
The English translation of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra is “Karmapa’s Dharma Wheel of the Three Vehicles,” which represent the three paths to enlightenment. We are so fortunate to have this beautiful monastery overlooking us from the mountain top. Lama Karma, former president of KTD and a parent at Middle Way, will walk us through the monastery and then we can sit and have a short talk and Q&A. Children are welcome. We may have a special guest offer a small activity for them as well but you can plan to be with them for the whole time. There will be tea and snacks at reception (we welcome any home made baked goods or tea you wish to offer). Lama Karma will demonstrate a lineage prayer. Children can demonstrate their mudras. The event will close with a fire ceremony called Riwo Sangchö to clear obstacles and negativity. You are welcome to bring small amounts incense, juniper, dried medicinal herbs, sandalwood to offer to this fire. RSVPs on Konstella are appreciated.
Sang is a fire offering practice done in all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a powerful means of “clearing the air” of an environment and engages all of the senses. Through the practice of sang, we balance the inner elements of our body, the outer elements of an environment, and remove veils that obscure the innate clarity and spaciousness of mind.

Community Gathering with Special Guest Gaylon Ferguson| Sunday, November 6, 2022, 3:30-6 PM
Join virtually or in person at Lite Brite Neon Studios/Cygnet Way
26 Downs St, Kingston, NY 12401
Street parking is available and there is municipal parking about 4 blocks away near Yasuda.
The teachings of basic goodness encourage compassion in everyday life. In a time of pervasive fear, worry, and anxiety, cultivating natural bravery through mindfulness strengthens our communities of courage.In order to experience true fearlessness, it is necessary to make friends with our fears.
If you would like childcare, please RSVP on Konstella well in advance so we can plan accordingly. We will have limited space. There will be an alternate room for children with suggested activities and possible screening of short video. Plus popcorn!

MWS Open House| Saturday, October 22, 2022, 10 AM-12 PM
* Voted Best Elementary School in the Hudson Valley 2022 *
Explore Middle Way School’s beautiful campus, meet our teachers and curriculum team, visit classrooms, and learn more about the Middle Way history, approach, and admissions process.
Middle Way School’s innovative model is a blend of modern education and timeless Buddhist wisdom, developing the excellent qualities of intelligence, contemplation, and discipline.
Refreshments will be served. Children most welcome, but note that there will be no designated childcare.
“The Middle Way School is truly a blueprint for the future of education. The school’s ethos centers each child’s unique experience, while simultaneously holding the health of the whole community at its core. The educators wonderfully combine and support a sense of curiosity, gratitude, and creative embodiment in our children, that continuously humbles and excites us as parents. The education provided at Middle Way is awe inspiring; cultivating a creative and playful lens into the learning of math and science, while also holding an equal appreciation for the natural world through art, music, play, and nature based education. As a family, we continually feel a deep sense of gratitude and peace in knowing we are a part of such an intentional and thriving school.”
— MWS Parent
5 Wisdom Pathways: Vajra - Wisdom - Philosophy| Thursday, October 13, 2022, 8-9 PM
Ever wonder why our school is called Middle Way? Buddhist author Alex Trisoglio is our special guest for this virtual session on the heart of Buddhist wisdom. The Middle Way is an uncontrived and vast space between extremes of nihilism and eternalism, sensual indulgence and self-mortification, existence and nonexistence. It was the first teaching that the Buddha delivered. Alex was chosen by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to teach on this subject. This is the pathway for those who like intellectual stimulation and/or want to understand the fundamentals. LINK

5 Wisdom Pathways: Padma - Arts - Communication| Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 2-3 PM
Local artist Barbara Bash brings her big brush calligraphy workshop to campus for one afternoon. This engaging workshop is a beautiful way to connect with your mind, body, and practice. Embodiment and contemplation come together on the page with a splash of spontaneity and a ground of awareness. Barbara has led this workshop with Middle Way teachers and students in the past and we can attest: It is a favorite for everyone. Due to space limitations, enrollment is limited to 15 people. So you may wish to sign up quickly.
Full Moon Dharma Gathering and Virtual Meditation Practicum| Sunday, October 9, 2022, 9-11 AM
via Zoom – LINK
Harry teaches meditation in such a relatable way that it’s hard not to fall in love with it. He’s been working with Middle Way teachers for 2 years now and is instrumental in the curriculum development process. Harry talks about how contemplation and practice can bring spaciousness to your every day life. Be prepared to practice for various lengths of time and then engage in discussion and ask questions.
*Tea Social to Follow
*Childcare is limited but available for up to 7 children – please sign up HERE
*This offering is part of the Five Wisdom Pathways Program and fulfills this semesters commitment
*You can also participate in the virtual element of this offering from home.
This event is hosted by MWS Dharma Committee ~ we are looking forward to gathering with those who can make it!
Community Clothing Swap| Friday, September 30, 2022, 11AM - 5PM

Curriculum Night| Wed., Sep. 28 and Thur., Sep. 29
Garudas: Wednesday, September 28, 5:00-6:30 PM
Fawns, Snow Lions, Wild Horses: Thursday, September 29, 4:30-6:00 PM
Ravens, Dragons, Owls: Thursday, September 29, 6:30-8:00 PM
After 2 years of a virtual curriculum night, we are excited to once again invite parents and caretakers to campus to learn more about the scope of the educational program. Teachers will provide an overview of their approach to education and this year’s curriculum, and will be available to answer your questions.
In order to accommodate everyone’s car, we will be spreading the class meetings out over two days. Please note that we will be offering our usual aftercare program on both days, but children must be picked up by 5:00 PM. If this conflicts with your curriculum night attendance, we recommend making alternative childcare arrangements on that day.
We look forward to giving you a glimpse into the amazing things happening every day with your children.
Buddhism 101 with Dominique Side| Sunday, September 25, 9-10 AM
Step #1 on the 5 Wisdom Pathways is this introductory class which you can join live or watch the recording.
Dominique Side will provide an introduction to Buddhist philosophy, culture, and practice with time for a Q&A. Come with your questions! Dominique is an educator and author of the recently reprinted Discovering Buddhism. This talk will be virtual and recorded. The link is also in the MWS school calendar. Even if you are a seasoned practitioner, the expectation is that you can join and enjoy. LINK
Full Moon Dharma Discussion Circle | Sunday, September 11, 9-11 AM
Parenting, Attachment, and Dharma: Non-Attached and Securely Attached at the Same Time: The Dharma of Delight with Bethany Saltman. At Middle Way School.
We are excited to announce the kick-off of this year’s Full Moon Dharma Gatherings with special guest Bethany Saltman, author of Strange Situation, A a Mother’s Journey Into the Science of Attachment. Bethany is a local writer and senior Zen practitioner at Zen Mountain Monastery. She had a column in Chronogram for many years, writing about parenting and dharma. For the first hour, Bethany will give a talk and then open up for Q&A. Then the parent-led MWS Dharma Committee will host a tea social. We will have books for sale at a discount. You can also read the first 25 pages for free by signing up on her website. Childcare will be available—sign up here.
Please plan to bring your own snacks and gear.
Class Tea Parties | Monday, August 29 and Tuesday, August, 30
Before diving into the first day of school, we like to give students, families, teachers, and staff a chance to get to know each other, reconnect, and spend a little bit of time on campus in community. To this end, we would like to invite parents/guardians and students in each class to a special tea party in the woods. In addition to getting to know each other, we will also be setting our aspirations for the year and honoring the sacred space of learning we have established over these past four years. We begin with a short ritual called an offering trail, which is inspired by ancient customs. You can learn more about these customs, along with other details pertaining to the tea parties, here.
Each class has a designated gathering time:
Fawns and Ravens: Monday, August 29, 10-11 am
Snow Lions and Garudas: Monday, August 29, 1-2 pm
Wild Horses and Dragons: Tuesday, August 30, 10-11 am
Owls: Tuesday, August 30, 1-2 pm
Parent Info Night | Thursday, August 25, 2022, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Meeting ID: 818 4986 0718
Password: 644365
Whether your child was one of the very first Middle Way students or if you are brand new this year, we hope you can join us for MWS Parent Information Night. Led by members of our Administration team, we will walk through select sections of our 2022-2023 Community Handbook, highlight what’s new or different, and will be available to answer your questions about the ins and outs of attending Middle Way this year. Noa Jones, our Dharma Curriculum Coordinator and founding Board Chair, will also be on hand to offer a brief history of the school.
The handbook will live on our family portal (password: awaken), and be updated as needed as the year progresses (we will alert the community of any significant changes)
Peace Circle | Friday, June 3, 2022 at 3:30 PM
At Middle Way School in Manjushri FIeld
We contacted Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to ask for some words of wisdom to help us process the recent tragic events in the United States and we are fortunate that he was able to compose something for our community. Join us for a moment of silence followed by a reading of Rinpoche’s words to acknowledge the suffering of all of those affected by the events in both Buffalo and Texas. Any and all members of the Middle Way community are invited.
Note that we will not be able to offer child care above and beyond our aftercare program. Please plan to attend with your child only if you feel it is appropriate for them to participate.
It would be helpful to have a sense of how many might be attending. Please take a moment to RSVP here if you would like to join.
Dharma Discussion Circle | Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Time TBD
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 1546 5580
Passcode: 212905
Our next Dharma Discussion Circle will center around Saul Bellow‘s short story A Father to Be, published in the New Yorker in 1955. You can listen to Camille Bordas read the story on the New Yorker podcast here or here. If you have a New Yorker subscription you can read it here. Or you can download this PDF with not great formatting. As you take in the story, you can think about what the dharma themes might be teased from it. The meet up will be the day after Memorial Day so you can read on the beach! As always you do not need to have read to join the conversation.
Harry's Dharma Sundays
Time: Three Sunday mornings from 8-9 a.m. EST
Dates: May 15, 22 and June 5
Meeting ID: 841 0535 2124
Passcode: 276303
Back by popular demand! During these weekly one hour sessions on Sunday mornings, we’ll begin with a brief meditation followed by a simple talk , followed by a discussion, questions, and answers.
Harry Einhorn is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, and lifelong student of Buddhism currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. Trained in theater and theater in education at Northwestern University, he has worked as a museum educator at the Rubin Museum and for Museum Hack, where he has led workshops on storytelling and engagement for museums and companies around the world. Currently, he is a lecturer in the Buddhist Art Department in Hua Fan University in Taipei, Taiwan, where he teaches classes on buddhist music, Tibetan iconography, and buddhist English.
As an artist, he is interested in the integration of ancient wisdom traditions with modern life through art and culture, and has produced, directed, and composed works exploring the teachings of buddhism through music, dance, and installation. He has coordinated and taught at meditation and buddhist study retreats in India, France, Brazil, Taiwan, and the US, and is currently a member of the Milinda Program, a multi-year Buddhist teacher training sponsored by the Khyentse Foundation. His favorite food is pizza.
MWS Anti-Racism Committee Meeting | Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 6 PM
MWS BIPOC Family Gathering | Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 6 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 6578 8119
Passcode: 913489
Join us for the second BIPOC parent’s meeting. This meeting is open to all Middle Way parents who identify as BIPOC and for parents of BIPOC children. This is the second meeting of three that will be held. We hope to have our final meeting in June on the sixth in person.
At our May 3rd meeting we will have an educational portion and then a Q and A. We will assess the needs are for our community. Please join us from 6-7:15.
Dharma Discussion Circle | Monday, May 2, 2022 at 5 PM
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 828 8521 1900
Passcode: 935383
Topic: Rebirth. Back in March, the Dharma Discussion Circle opened up a big discussion about death, rebirth and reincarnation. We realized that there was so much more to talk about so we will return to this subject. We will rely on the same texts and some participants have agreed to read other texts or listen to podcasts, which they will recap for the group next month. You can get acquainted with the content by downloading Chapter 9 here, listen to Noah Resheta’s podcast here. And you can watch the recap here. There is no need to have read even a single text to join the conversation.
Dharma Discussion Circle | Monday, April 4, 2022 at 5 PM
Zoom Link TBD
Our previous Dharma Discussion Circle opened up the big discussion about death, rebirth and reincarnation, basing the conversation on Domonique Side’s Buddhism textbook chapter 9. What followed was a rich discussion with some excellent questions. We realized that there was so much more to talk about so we will return to this subject for our next discussion. You can get acquainted with the content by downloading Chapter 9 here. We also recommend listening to the “What Happens When We Die?” episode of Noah Resheta’s Secular Buddhism podcast. To watch the recap of our previous discussion,
You can watch the recap of our previous discussion here.
MWS BIPOC Family Gathering | Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 6 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 790 6974 8107
Passcode: bA2XTA
The MWS BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) Educators Group will conduct our first gathering of BIPOC parents and parents of BIPOC children. Our goal is to unite BIPOC initiatives in the parent community, inform the BIPOC parent community of the work that is happening at Middle Way, and to assess the needs of this section of the community. We will also have time for Q and A. Open to parents that identify as BIPOC or parents of children that identify as non-white or BIPOC.
Questions we will be exploring:
- What are some of the needs that you identify for your family?
- What is your overall experience around Race here at Middle Way School?
- Would you be interested in a space just for you?
Full Moon Dharma Talk | Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Chötrul Düchen is one of the four Buddhist festivals commemorating events in the life of the Buddha, according to Tibetan traditions. Lama Karma Wall will give an in-person outdoor talk on “Magic and Miracles” including the causes and conditions that lead to seemingly sudden, or unexpected events. There will be a Q&A and time for tea at the end. Childcare will be provided for up to 6 children, please reserve asap here (if you have the option of sending your child home before the talk, please do!). We’re so looking forward to gathering together on campus.
Virtual Open House | Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 10 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 5849 4449
Passcode: 705138
Interested in Middle Way? Want to learn more? All are welcome to join us as we present a history of the school, outline some of our program, take questions, and then break into smaller groups so you can spend time with the teachers. This is a Zoom call so please log in a few minutes early to make sure your technology is set.
Harry's Dharma Sundays
Time: Six Sunday mornings from 8-9 a.m. EST
Dates: January 16, 23, February 6, 13, 27, March 6 and 13
Meeting ID: 964 4462 1447
Passcode: 736181
Back by popular demand! Harry’s six week drop in class is back on Sundays one hour earlier at 8:00 AM. The schedule will be two weeks on, one week off. Over the course of these sessions, we’ll be exploring topics like developing a peaceful mind and equanimity in everyday life, how dharma can help families to grow closer and more resilient, and how studying buddhism can help us meet the challenges of the world with skill and compassion.
During these weekly one hour sessions on Sunday mornings, we’ll begin with a brief meditation followed by a simple talk , followed by a discussion, questions, and answers.
Harry Einhorn is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, and lifelong student of Buddhism currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. Trained in theater and theater in education at Northwestern University, he has worked as a museum educator at the Rubin Museum and for Museum Hack, where he has led workshops on storytelling and engagement for museums and companies around the world. Currently, he is a lecturer in the Buddhist Art Department in Hua Fan University in Taipei, Taiwan, where he teaches classes on buddhist music, Tibetan iconography, and buddhist English.
As an artist, he is interested in the integration of ancient wisdom traditions with modern life through art and culture, and has produced, directed, and composed works exploring the teachings of buddhism through music, dance, and installation. He has coordinated and taught at meditation and buddhist study retreats in India, France, Brazil, Taiwan, and the US, and is currently a member of the Milinda Program, a multi-year Buddhist teacher training sponsored by the Khyentse Foundation. His favorite food is pizza.
Mountain Smoke Offering | Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 10 AM
Lama Karma Wall will lead an in-person fire offering practice at Middle Way called “Mountain Smoke Offering.” He will give instruction on the meaning of the practice and the way Buddhist ritual practice reveals and celebrates the inherent purity of our being and the natural environment around us. This will be an in-person event, taking the place of our Feb Full Moon Dharma Talk. Participants are invited to bring and arrange offerings for the fire. Flowers, incense, herbal medicines, and vegetarian foods are welcome. RSVPs are appreciated, you can write to karma ([email protected]) so he can coordinate the offerings or you can also just come as you are. We will repeat this practice for the Lunar New Year on March 4th early in the morning before school (details TBD). These gatherings will be outdoors. Participants will be asked to stay masked or physically distanced. We have some seating but blankets, cushions, and/or chairs are recommended.
Dharma Discussion Circle | February 1, 2022 at 7 pm EST
Meeting ID: 949 0812 7325
Passcode: 392351
These monthly open discussions will focus on a text, recording, or film and engage in a discussion led by members of the Dharma Committee. Participants are welcome to suggest a text or material to discuss and even to lead the discussion.
This month, we will be using the beloved book Zen Shorts by local artist Jon Muth as a basis. Karma Wall will talk about the Buddhist figures and backstories of the tales, and some of the related Dharma themes. Even if you haven’t read the book, please join us. Here is a video read-aloud.
Book Club | January 12, 2022 8 PM
Meeting ID: 992 9714 2289
Passcode: 704002
Taking Refuge in the Sangha | December 18, 2021
An Exploration of Community and Connection with Judy Lief
Saturday, December 18 at 7 PM EST
Zoom link
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95508441010?pwd=N0RscGx6eGhudHVJcmpTRjZwYXU1UT09 Meeting ID: 955 0844 1010 Passcode: 840170
“Only Connect!” —E.M. Forster
A school community is formed of relationships among students, teachers, parents, faculty, and staff. On top of that, each individual who enters into the community brings with them their own arrray of community ties, from family and friendship circles to interest groups based on religion, politics, and other dimensions. Community building is a dynamic process that brings together those diverse experiences and backgrounds in a common cause. It is a celebration of relationship and interconnection.
We will explore questions such as:
How can we nurture a kind and caring community?
How can we navigate the many intersecting communities we bring into the conversation?
What is a student-centered community?
What makes a community worthy of refuge?
“Our ancient experience confirms at every point that everything is linked together, everything is inseparable.” ― Dalai Lama XIV
The Heart of Buddhism with Harry
Time: Six Sunday mornings from 9-10 a.m.
Dates: October 24, 31, November 14, 21, December 5, 12
Meeting ID: 886 6598 7967
Passcode: 085831
Please join us for a six week class on the foundations of Buddhism with Harry. Over the course of these sessions, we’ll be exploring topics like developing a peaceful mind and equanimity in everyday life, how dharma can help families to grow closer and more resilient, and how studying buddhism can help us meet the challenges of the world with skill and compassion.
During these weekly one hour sessions on Sunday mornings, we’ll begin with a brief meditation followed by a simple talk , followed by a discussion, questions, and answers.
Harry Einhorn is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, and lifelong student of Buddhism currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. Trained in theater and theater in education at Northwestern University, he has worked as a museum educator at the Rubin Museum and for Museum Hack, where he has led workshops on storytelling and engagement for museums and companies around the world. Currently, he is a lecturer in the Buddhist Art Department in Hua Fan University in Taipei, Taiwan, where he teaches classes on buddhist music, Tibetan iconography, and buddhist English.
As an artist, he is interested in the integration of ancient wisdom traditions with modern life through art and culture, and has produced, directed, and composed works exploring the teachings of buddhism through music, dance, and installation. He has coordinated and taught at meditation and buddhist study retreats in India, France, Brazil, Taiwan, and the US, and is currently a member of the Milinda Program, a multi-year Buddhist teacher training sponsored by the Khyentse Foundation. His favorite food is pizza.
What is the Middle Way?
An Explanation of the School’s Name from a Buddhist Perspective with Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
Thursday, November 18 at 5 PM
Meeting ID: 868 3056 6647
Passcode: 441437
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel has studied and practiced the Buddhadharma for 35 years under the guidance of her teacher and husband Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. She is the retreat master of Samten Ling in Crestone, Colorado and has spent over six years in retreat. She holds a degree in anthropology and an M.A. in Buddhist Studies. She teaches throughout the U.S., Australia, Europe, and South America. She is the author of The Power of an Open Question: The Buddha’s Path to Freedom and The Logic of Faith: the Buddhist Path to Finding Certainty Beyond Belief and Doubt.
Elizabeth is known for her use of inquiry as a means to reach a place of genuine practice and awakening. She asks audiences to engage in the practice of open questioning with her while she takes a fresh look at all the assumptions and beliefs we have about spirituality. In particular, Elizabeth is fascinated with the Buddha’s essential teachings on the natural principle of pratityasamutpada, dependent arising. Audiences repeatedly comment on how her approach has reinvigorated their meditation practice and the way they relate to their lives as a whole.
Book Club | November 11, 2021 5 PM
Meeting ID: 891 5140 3454
Passcode: 642174
Full Moon Dharma Talk
Wednesday, October 20 at 5 PM
Meeting ID: 864 2730 0089
Passcode: 827954
Let’s Gather Together as Sangha
Zuisei Goddard will be giving the Full Moon Dharma Talk this Wednesday, October 20 at 5 PM to the Middle Way School Community. Zuisei will lead a meditation, give a talk, and then open up the forum for questions.
As the children and teachers approach the third thematic unit of the year—Refuge—this talk will give us an opportunity to explore what it is that we take refuge in. What do we turn to for clarity and solace, for ease and stability? At Middle Way we seek to convey the essence of refuge—a sense of reverence, protection, and inspiration—in ways that are appropriate to a child’s developmental stage, noting that what each of us takes refuge in can be different based on our identities, beliefs, and values. At the same time, there’s a common ground that we share when we take refuge in the dharma, and this is what we’ll explore together.
Zuisei is a writer and lay Zen teacher currently based in the south of Mexico. She was in residence at Zen Mountain Monastery in Mt. Tremper, where she trained full time from 1995 to 2014, fourteen of those years as a Zen monk. In 2018, Geoffrey Shugen Arnold Roshi, who is an advisor at the school, gave Zuisei dharma transmission (authorization to teach). She teaches meditation, particularly focusing on the application of dharma teachings to our daily lives. She offers retreats and workshops for children, teenagers, and adults—all based on her conviction that there are few tools as powerful as meditation to transform, empower, and clarify.
Her articles have appeared in Tricycle, Lion’s Roar, Buddhadharma, and Parabola, and her first book, Still Running: The Art of Meditation in Motion, was published by Shambhala Publications in August of 2020. She is Tricycle Magazine’s Teachings Editor and sits on the board of Trustees at Middle Way.
Book Club | October 6, 2021

Virtual Open House
MWS Community Dharma Talk
Monday, September 20, 8:00 PM
The first of Middle Way’s 2021-2022 monthly Full Moon Dharma Talks, especially designed for MWS families, is on Monday, September 20 at 8 p.m. Harry Einhorn will be leading a discussion on the 3 episodes of Noah Resheta’s Secular Buddhism podcast, which were assigned listening for MWS parents and guardians over the summer. He will summarize the podcasts and touch on what secular means within a Buddhist context, as well as discuss the Buddhist approach to faith and ways we can make the dharma meaningful in every day life. There will be ample time to ask questions if you have them. This discussion is a very important step in helping our community come together, linking home and school through a shared vision.
The talk will be on Zoom, recorded, and made available to those who missed it. This counts as one of the minimum of 2 dharma activities we ask every adult in our community to participate in every year. There will be much to choose from, including Karma’s weekly meditation class (starting next week! See below), other full moon discussions, book club and more. Our October talk will be led by board trustee Zuisei Sensei and November we welcome Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel. Harry led a full day of teacher development in August and we are delighted that he can meet with parents too.
“I am a relatively new student of the dharma. Harry’s teachings were incredibly accessible. Through storytelling and luminous visualizations, Harry brought the dharma to life. He taught in way that has offered me the deep kind of understanding that I’ll not soon forget. I was so inspired, and hope to be able to share these dharma concepts with my students!”
— A Middle Way School Teacher
Virtual Open House
Saturday, January 23, 2021
10-11 AM
Learn about the history of the school, our curriculum, and what we have planned for next year. There will be ample time to meet the teachers an ask questions. We are looking forward to seeing new faces.
Tara Puja
Tara Puja (ceremony)
Friday, January 15
10 AM-2PM
In-person event not open to the public
Meeting ID: 890 2533 6243
Passcode: 687660
One tap mobile
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During the break, our patron and guide, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, instructed us to host a group of 10 Bhutanese and Tibetans to conduct a Tara Puja for the benefit of all beings on Friday, January 15. This will be happening parallel to regular school activities and we will invite children to listen and observe from a distance. Anyone who wishes to contribute to this wonderful ceremony can send flowers or fruits (quality over quantity). We will livestream the event to the best of our ability.
You can read more about the concept of Tara on the Khyentse Foundation website.
Rinpoche said: “All the buddhas and bodhisattvas are in essence the same. Buddhas transcend all kinds of shape, color, form, and labels like gender. Likewise Tara comes in many manifestations. Tara is ultimately none other than the nature of your own mind. She is not really a he or a she or green or white. She doesn’t necessarily have many hands or two hands. But since we are so deluded, we can only understand through references like numbers, colors, shape, tangible things, which is why we have Aryatara and the other 21 manifestations. These are the principle mandala of the puja we are doing this time.”
—Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Parent-organized Anti-Racism Group
A Conversation with Staceyann Chin
The MWS Community’s Parent-led Anti-Racism Group invites you to bring this family friendly conversation into your home on Thursday, December 3 at 6:00 PM. Brought to you by Little Chairs Big Differences, Staceyann Chin and her daughter, Zuri will talk about raising children to be critically minded, socially conscious and inclusive, along with teaching children about the importance of activism and how they can influence change.
Link: Event Brite (more information and sign up here):
Please consider listening in and then joining us for our next MWS Anti-Racism Community meeting on Thursday December 17 @ 6:00 when we will open the door to discussion based on this event. Many have asked, “how do I bring up the heavy topics associated with anti-racism work with my kids?” We hope that this opens up that conversation. Hope to see you there! Please email Stephanie(Sabina’s mom) if you’d like to be added to the MWS Anti-Racism Group mailing list!
Q&A With Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Monday, May 25, 11 AM EST
We are thrilled to announce that on Monday, May 25, Middle Way Education and Middle Way School are co-hosting a Q&A by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Rinpoche is our advisor and the inspiration behind both organizations. This talk is open to the public but for Buddhists who are parents, parents whose children go to a Buddhist school, and teachers, whose questions have been collected and given to Rinpoche.
The broadcast will be live streamed at 11:00am Eastern Time (8:30pm Indian Standard Time) over YouTube. You can click here to watch.
We hope you can attend, if not, the recording will remain on the MWS YouTube channel for you to watch. Please note: Rinpoche will be speaking to us from the labrang in Bir, in Northern India, where there have been reports of intermittent internet due to weather. There is a possibility that the broadcast will be choppy or not work at all. In that case, we will upload a recording as soon as we are able. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Fostering Resilient Communities in Times of Rapid Change
A Virtual Open House
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
1:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Interested in Middle Way? Want to learn more? On Wednesday, May 13, at 1 PM Eastern Time, we will present a history of the school, outline some of our program, take questions, and then break into smaller groups so you can spend time with the teachers. This is a Zoom call so please log in a few minutes early to make sure your technology is set.
Fostering Resilient Communities in Times of Rapid Change
A Virtual Conversation with Lama Karma
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
At this time when much of our social support and sense of belonging is being channeled into thin virtual exchanges, it is critically important to remain connected to one another in heart and mind. It’s a time to look at the stories we tell ourselves about who we are as individuals and as global citizens. When we discern what aspects of these stories no longer serve us, we can participate more fully in the beloved communities that link us together in kindness, generosity, and wisdom.
This talk will be open to the extended Middle Way community, and to anyone who cares about the school and wishes to connect and share their current challenges and inspirations for nurturing healthy families and communities.
Karma joined Middle Way this year in a role we playfully call “Keeper of the Ground”, because he has been responsible for maintaining an uplifted, safe physical environment, as well as tending to the ground of the dharma at the school. He leads meditation for students and families, teaches the teachers, guided students in their altar keeping, leads book club, and helps us host other lamas and teachers. Karma’s commitment to daily practice and his clear written and spoken explanations of dharma concepts bring something unique and essential to Middle Way School.
A parent expressed her appreciation for Karma’s teaching style: As a Middle Way parent, I have truly enjoyed the chance to be a student right alongside my child. The weekly discussions with Karma have refreshed my relationship with timeless ideas. I really relate to his conversational approach and I appreciate his own practice of parenting. He humbly embodies centuries of knowledge, and manages to distill each idea into low-key simplicity. The school seems to attract gifted teachers who can weave big ideas into shiny moments of discovery—for eager learners of any age.
Short Guided Meditation with Karma
Friday, March 27, 2020 9:00 AM – 9:15 AM
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/250459697
One tap mobile +19292056099,,250459697#
Or dial in: 929 205 6099
DHARMA TALK: Refuge in Uncertain Times
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM
The Middle Way School hosted a live webcast program with Lama Karma Justin Wall on Tuesday, March 17 at 8:30 PM.
A talk to help support parents and caregivers during this unprecedented era of uncertainty. Phrases like self-quarantine, social distancing, and global pandemic have entered our minds and the minds our children. How can we not only weather these challenges, but use them as causes for deepening wisdom and compassion? How can we relate to the pull of extreme thinking? How can we remain present for the small delights opening up as our schedules and lifestyles shift and change?
This online talk touches on these questions drawing resources and guidance from the Buddhist teachings on refuge, working with fear, and bringing adverse conditions onto the path of awakening. Lama Karma is a parent himself and a dharma holder. He supports the Middle Way School with morning meditation, advises on the curriculum, and helps in a thousand other ways to keep our campus uplifted and safe. We are very happy to be able to share this talk with our global community. He speaks in terms that are practical and easily accessible for people of any faith or belief system.
SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2020 2 PM – 4 PM
Meet the teachers and staff of the Middle Way School at an informal open house gathering on Sunday, March 8, 2020 from 2-4 PM. Tea and coffee will be served. We are happy to open our doors to you! Children most welcome. There will be art supplies for them but no designated childcare.
JANUARY 25, 2020
Meet the teachers and staff of the Middle Way School at an informal open house gathering on Saturday, January 20, 2020 from 2-4 PM. Tea and coffee will be served. We are happy to open our doors to you! Children most welcome! There will be art supplies for them but no designated childcare.
2019 Solstice Event and Performance
December 20, 2019
Extended friends and family are invited to our annual solstice event. Premiere performance of the first two scenes of the Life of the Buddha play will be followed by a fireside singalong (dress warmly!) and vegetarian potluck dinner. The PCA is signing up volunteers for various tasks. Please contact Fukiko. RSVP!
Kingston Farmer's Market
May 25, 2019
MWS will have an information booth and face painting at the Kingston Farmer’s Market on Saturday May 25th. Stop by and say hi!
Open House for Prospective Families
March 16, 2019
Meet the teachers and staff of the Middle Way School at an informal open house gathering on Saturday, March 16, 2019. Tea and coffee will be served. We are happy to open our doors to you! Children most welcome there will be art supplies for them but no designated childcare.
Fall Festival
October 22, 2018
Fall Festival! 5:30-7 families and extended families invited to tour the school, make a little art, learn what we’ve learned, and participate in a short fire ceremony. We’ll be ending on the early side. Snacks served. RSVP.
Parent's information meeting
March 22, 2018
Parent Information Evening at the Middle Way School, 268 West Saugerties Road.
6-8 p.m. Please RSVP.
More information to come.
Compassion in Education
April 26, 2018
Public talk for parents and teachers with Kristin Lhatso, founder of Snow Lion School in Boulder, Colorado. How can the cultivation of compassion bring depth and breadth to the experience of learning? Free. Reception/Doors at 6 p.m. Please RSVP.
Play Date for Interested Pre-K Families
Saturday, August 3, 2019 | 10 AM -11:30 AM
A wonderful opportunity to meet families and spend time in our pre-K classroom while learning more about our program from Grace Louis, lead pre-K teacher. Please RSVP at [email protected].
Open House for Prospective Families
February 2, 2019
Meet the teachers and staff of the Middle Way School at an informal open house gathering on Saturday, February 2, 2019. Tea and coffee will be served. We are happy to open our doors to you! Children most welcome there will be art supplies for them but no designated childcare.
TALK with Sensei goddard
October 22, 2018
Vanessa Zuisei Goddard, Sensei, was in full-time residential training at John Daido Loori’s Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) Zen Mountain Monastery (ZMM) in Mt. Tremper from 1995 to 2014, fourteen of those years as a monastic. She’s now a dharma holder in the MRO, as well as the monastery’s work supervisor. She is in charge of the Zen Teens and Zen Kids programs at ZMM. She will speak with parents and children at MWS. Free. Reception/Doors at 10 a.m. Please RSVP.
Winter Solstice Event
Thursday, December 20, 2019
Celebrating the interconnection between the sun and the earth, welcoming ceaseless change, inviting the advent of longer days.
MWS PCA Summer Dance Party
Sunday, July 7, 2019 | 4 PM -8 PM
26 Downs Street, Kingston, NY
Celebrate summer at our first ever Middle Way School Parent Community Association event. A kid-friendly dance party in Kingston! Potluck dinner, pizzan DJ, BYOB. Bring your friends! Please RSVP at [email protected].
Dharma Talk
March 14, 2019
Teaching with Khenpo Choying Dorjee. (Time TBD) Khenpo Choying Dorjee is a distinguished Tibetan Buddhist scholar and teacher, in particular, specialized in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy (Madhyamaka). He received his degree as Khenpo in 2004, roughly equivalent to a Western Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies. Since then, he has held several leadership positions at Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute, which is Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s monastic university in India. He served as Abbot for several years and initiated a number of educational innovations. He was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley in 2011 and serves on the Khyentse Foundation India Program Committee.
April 28, 2018
Middle Way School Open House and India Celebration. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. We will start the day with a short ceremony. Children are welcome to participate in offering flowers, lamps, and incense while Shubhraji performs a short ceremony in praise of Saraswati, the swan-borne goddess of wisdom and the arts. Then Woodstock’s woman of the North Woods, Catherine Sklarsky, will spend time with the children doing colorful block printing with blocks offered by our friends at Kurma in Dehradun, India. We’ll have fabric to print on or bring your own. Things might get messy so children are encouraged to wear clothes that can be painted on. We’ll wrap up the day with storytelling by Kristin Lhatso. There will be ample time to mingle and ask questions. Chai will be served.
Japan Festival
May 19, 2019
Meet MWS families, teachers and friends at an informal open house Japan-themed event on Sunday, May 19 2019. Children most welcome there will be art supplies for them but no designated childcare. Please RSVP!