People are the essence…
The community of teachers, students, and parents are the magic of Middle Way. We have an active Parent Community Association, a book club for parents, open meditation classes, potluck dinners, dance parties and more. Each relationship is cultivated with intention and care. The Middle Way communication charter and education framework, provide guideposts for supporting students, teachers, parents, and administration. Other systems of community relations and development are being explored.
This model requires highly-inquisitive teachers with ongoing commitment to contemplative practice and self-reflection, and a refined ability to see and meet students at each developmental stage. Middle Way practitioner-teachers create a learning environment where obstacles and complications become extremely valuable, the gems of learning. Deep inquiry replaces fear or avoidance and teachers face seeming limitations with an open-hearted bravery. The outcome of an educational model based on this unique approach is students who welcome new experiences with curiosity and discernment.
We hire and enroll without discriminating against any identifying factor which may include race, age, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socioeconomic background. We will make accessibility accommodations for individuals with disabilities to the fullest extent possible. As an institution and as individuals we recognize that we have the responsibility to actively change the power differences that perpetuate biases against historically underrepresented groups. Our inclusion efforts are a dynamic process. We welcome your experience and invite your input on how our school community can continue to evolve.
Support MWS
The outpouring of support has given this school a wonderful beginning. There have been so many heartfelt offerings of goods, services, and financial support. If you would like to make a contribution, you can make a donation to Khyentse Foundation and designate it to the Middle Way School.
Middle Way Education
PO Box 1321
Woodstock, NY 12498
Or check out our Wish List here: https://www.wishlistr.com/middleway
If you would like to explore other ways to support the school, please send an email