Amanda Graham
Senior Director of Operations
With an incredible background in both the dharma as a Zen Buddhist, and in organizational structure and systems thinking, Amanda is essential to the operations of the school. With her capable hands in every aspect of our daily life at school, Amanda is as adept at working with a child who needs a bandaid as she is at keeping the big vision of the week, month, and school year.
After graduating from the University of Maryland with a degree in biology, I spent 14 years with The Nature Conservancy, serving in various roles within their membership fundraising department, culminating with Marketing Director of Fundraising Systems. Though my experience at TNC was deeply rewarding, my life began to take an increasingly introspective turn. After being introduced to meditation through the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and reading Shunryu Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, I entered residence at Zen Mountain Monastery in Mt. Tremper in 2012, where I lived for about a year and a half.
Since leaving ZMM, where I served as Website Manager, I have been at Omega Institute, overseeing their annual giving program and helping to launch Omega Membership. I currently live in Kingston with my husband and overindulged dog.
Throughout my career, I have gravitated toward the more systems-driven responsibilities of my roles. As Senior Director of Operations for MWS, I get to help build and strengthen the foundation of the school so that it can continue to thrive. Above all, I feel fortunate to be part of an endeavor that aligns so wholly with my own values and practice, and offers the gift of the dharma to young minds.