The Art of Being Human
An Introduction to Meditation with Gaylon Ferguson
Saturday and Sunday, APRIL 15th and 16th, 2023
“The basis for the practice of meditation is appreciation. Every breath we take is a gift, naturally pure and good. We appreciate every pebble in the riverbed, every apple on the tree. Ordinary activities are in themselves powerful and worth appreciating.”
― Chögyam Trungpa, Mindfulness in Action: Making Friends with Yourself through Meditation and Everyday Awareness.
The Art of Being Human is a foundational meditation course that encourages us to experience the present moment with openness and curiosity. Renowned teacher Gaylon Ferguson will guide us through a day and half of sitting and walking meditation, discussion groups, and private meditation instruction.By cultivating kindness and compassion and relating directly to our fear, we uncover the bravery to engage in the world more fully in these challenging and potent times. We make the connection between our basic goodness and our daily lives, our communities, and the larger society we inhabit. Teachings on basic goodness and wakefulness are uniquely suited for busy people with families, jobs, and complicated ecosystems — a rich opportunity to sit with ourselves, together.
Developed by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the most influential dharma teachers of the 20th century and the founder of numerous schools including Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, The Art of Being Human has been offered thousands of times all over the world for over 35 years.
Gaylon Ferguson, PhD, has led mindfulness-awareness retreats for 45 years. He was Core Faculty in Religious Studies at Naropa University. The author of Natural Wakefulness (2009) and Natural Bravery (2016), he contributed the foreword to Black and Buddhist: What Buddhism Can Teach Us About Race, Resilience, Transformation and Freedom (2020). His articles and essays have appeared in Lion’s Roar, Tricycle, and Buddhadharma.
@ The Middle Way School
Schedule: Saturday, April 15 10:00 am–4:00 pm
Sunday, April 16 9:30 am–12:30 pm
Space is limited. For any questions please email [email protected]
Suggested offering of $75 to cover costs. Any amount is perfect.
To secure your spot for the Art of Being Human please click on the donation link below.