“Coming from a competitive school in the city, I wasn’t sure what to expect at a Buddhist school in Upstate New York, was it going to be rigorous enough? Would my child remain on par? I could not be more thrilled to see how fully my child is learning and how confident he has become. He now enjoys reading and his handwriting has improved, he’s doing mental math above his grade level. And on top of that, his genuine kindness is shining through brighter than ever. Thank you!”

Founded in 2017, The Middle Way School of the Hudson Valley is one of the first Buddhist preparatory schools for children in the West. Our mission is to empower students to take their places in the modern world. Our pedagogy and school culture draw upon foundational Buddhist teachings and traditions as well as the latest research in child development, neuroscience, and technology. MWS offers an exceptional education, creating conditions for wisdom and compassion to flourish.

We view education as a natural learning process that engages children’s innate potential and provides a way to understand the phenomenal world with grace and humor. Our students play, contemplate, engage with text and numbers, and are encouraged to use inquiry as the foundation for academic achievement. Our developmental approach to teaching and learning is highly personalized so that each student is experiences a balance of challenge and accomplishment. The aim is to tap into students’ intrinsic joy of learning while supporting their social, emotional and spiritual growth.

Middle Way School thrives on the principle of inclusion. We actively seek to build a community that is rich with diverse cultures, races, talents, interests, learning profiles, and economic and ethnic backgrounds. MWS is a pilot school with the support of a global community of friends and foundations who wish to see us succeed. Because of their support, we are able to offer ample financial aid to meet families needs.
Introducing SEEDS of AWAKENING
A Dharma Art Benefit connecting our global friends
to the heart of Buddhist-based education for children
LIVE NOW through April 26, 2025
~ link in bio ~
As we celebrate the Spring Equinox today, we invite you to explore and support SEEDS of AWAKENING!
Participate in this meaningful event by purchasing artwork that inspires and uplifts. Your support directly enables us to continue offering and evolving our unique, Buddhist-based approach to childhood education—providing timeless refuge for children navigating the wonders and challenges of our complex modern world.
We ask for your help in raising $66,000 by June, 2025—to reach this year’s goal of $108,000 for the Middle Way School Annual Fund.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the 24 ARTISTS who have generously contributed their beautiful, Dharma-inspired creations.
And we thank YOU for your generosity!
We invite you to multiply the merits of giving by sharing this appeal on social media. We are all connected to one another in some special way.
Middle Way School parents and caregivers recently gathered for a conversation and guided meditation led by Jefre Cantu. Hosted at Cygnets Way, this afternoon focused on Buddhist teachings surrounding death and how being in intimate relationship with impermanence can enrich our lives and nurture compassion.
Jefre Cantu is a Soto Zen priest in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi. He has a Masters of Divinity in Buddhism and Interreligious Engagement from Union Theological Seminary, and currently works as a Hospice chaplain.
Thank you to Erika deVries and matteline dilling for opening their space. Thank you to Dorjee Momo for the nourishment. Thank you to ALL the wonder-FULL parents and caregivers who nurture the vibrant community we share by contributing to and participating in enriching opportunities like these all throughout the school year.
image of Jefre Cantu shared by Cygnets Way / artwork by Erika deVries
Honoring the countless ways in which we are all connected, we offer our gratitude on International Women’s Day. Thank you to the women of yesterday whose struggles and joys are part of our shared lineage. Thank you to the women of today who show us that strength pairs beautifully with tenderness. Thank you to the women of tomorrow whose wisdom and determination can inspire us all.
From all of us at Middle Way School, we wish you a happy Losar! Today we welcome the YEAR OF THE WOOD SNAKE—a symbol of renewal, flexibility, and gentleness. May the loving heart of dharma awaken compassion and wisdom in all beings everywhere—on this day and all days.
From our morning offering puja to our afternoon snake parade, we’re celebrating the Tibetan New Year on this day. Our campus is alive with Losar festivities! Students share offerings, freshen their classrooms, feast on momos and sing songs together—precious Middle Way School traditions.
✨ Losar Tashi Delek!! ✨
On this auspicious day, we invite you to join us in multiplying our good merit in support of Middle Way School and our mission to be a model school for Buddhist-based childhood education worldwide.
We are excited and committed to our continued creation of a living model for childhood education rooted in Buddhist wisdom and compassion, in partnership with Middle Way Education and generously supported by @khyentsefoundation .
For a wealth of resources and activities benefiting children, educators, and parents globally, please visit @middlewayedu . We also invite you to learn more about our sister schools in Asia: Lhomon Education in Bhutan; Kanishka School in India; Blue Lion Preschool in Singapore; and the Jataka School in Thailand (opening in 2026).
From all of us at Middle Way School, we wish you a happy Losar! Today we welcome the YEAR OF THE WOOD SNAKE—a symbol of renewal, flexibility, and gentleness. May the loving heart of dharma awaken compassion and wisdom in all beings everywhere—on this day and all days.
From our morning offering puja to our afternoon snake parade, we’re celebrating the Tibetan New Year on this day. Our campus is alive with Losar festivities! Students share offerings, freshen their classrooms, feast on momos and sing songs together—precious Middle Way School traditions.
✨ Losar Tashi Delek!! ✨
On this auspicious day, we invite you to join us in multiplying our good merit in support of Middle Way School and our mission to be a model school for Buddhist-based childhood education worldwide.
We are excited and committed to our continued creation of a living model for childhood education rooted in Buddhist wisdom and compassion, in partnership with Middle Way Education and generously supported by @khyentsefoundation .
For a wealth of resources and activities benefiting children, educators, and parents globally, please visit @middlewayedu . We also invite you to learn more about our sister schools in Asia: Lhomon Education in Bhutan; Kanishka School in India; Blue Lion Preschool in Singapore; and the Jataka School in Thailand (opening in 2026).
From all of us at Middle Way School, we wish you a happy Losar! Today we welcome the YEAR OF THE WOOD SNAKE—a symbol of renewal, flexibility, and gentleness. May the loving heart of dharma awaken compassion and wisdom in all beings everywhere—on this day and all days.
From our morning offering puja to our afternoon snake parade, we’re celebrating the Tibetan New Year on this day. Our campus is alive with Losar festivities! Students share offerings, freshen their classrooms, feast on momos and sing songs together—precious Middle Way School traditions.
✨ Losar Tashi Delek!! ✨
On this auspicious day, we invite you to join us in multiplying our good merit in support of Middle Way School and our mission to be a model school for Buddhist-based childhood education worldwide.
We are excited and committed to our continued creation of a living model for childhood education rooted in Buddhist wisdom and compassion, in partnership with Middle Way Education and generously supported by @khyentsefoundation.
For a wealth of resources and activities benefiting children, educators, and parents globally, please visit @middlewayedu. We also invite you to learn more about our sister schools in Asia: Lhomon Education in Bhutan; Kanishka School in India; Blue Lion Preschool in Singapore; and the Jataka School in Thailand (opening in 2026).
As students mature into their older childhood, it’s natural for parents to wonder about which options might best support their child’s growth.
One parent—who has been with Middle Way School from its earliest years—speaks to why he continues to choose meditation and mindfulness over a standardized path:
“I’m so thankful to stretch our child’s experience at Middle Way into his tween years. In a time of such big changes—both internally and globally—I’m in no rush to trade acres of forested splendor and deep discussions in an intimate class size… for a more standardized setting with testing pressure and the expectation to conform. At Middle Way, the kind-hearted teachers meet his laser-sharp mind in all sorts of challenging ways. His imagination is fostered and he’s thriving academically. While his critical thinking and awakened heart are SO far beyond his years, he’s also able to hang on to the tenderness of childhood and have a real love of learning without it being a stressful experience. I couldn’t be happier with our choice, especially now as he goes into sixth grade.”
In the classroom, we are deep into our Bodhicitta studies, spanning time, place, and culture to include how we make wishes for beings, create acts of kindness, and offer thoughtful gifts. We consider the interconnectedness of everyone — plants, animals, neighbors, and beyond. When we encourage the practice of offering care and kindness for all, we truly include all. We don’t limit ourselves to only those we know and like!
An aspect of Bodhicitta is the aspiration that all beings be free — free from harm, confusion, and suffering. May it be so! May we all find warmth and shelter, both physical and psychological. May we try our best each day to extend our generosity of heart.
The children sure are great role models in this way!
For the fourth year in a row, our Head of School Grace Ann Louis has been nominated for the most shining Youth Advocate in the region. She has held this top honor in Upstate New York for the past three years, and we’re all pleased to celebrate her recognition once again!
Grace is a champion for integrating contemplative practices into everyday education. She is an advocate for protecting the precious experiences of childhood and understands the importance of connecting with a child’s innate sense of wonder. She sees the unique qualities and needs of every child and helps to sculpt their educational experience to ensure they flourish.
Thank you, Grace, for guiding and challenging each one of our students with joy in your heart!
Once a child is ready for their next step after Middle Way School, how well do they adjust?
With such a new and revolutionary model for learning, some folks are curious about how students transition to a more standardized setting later on. Our young alumuni move on to a wide range of schools around the Hudson Valley and Catskill region—primarily public. We’re delighted to hear how well they’re doing, both academically and emotionally.
One parent shared feedback from her child’s latest middle school report card:
[This child] “…is kind, thoughtful, and hardworking. She is an absolute joy to have in class! She is a bright, kind, and conscientious young woman. Her performance is outstanding. All-around, she’s an excellent student.”
When she started her journey at Middle Way, the school had freshly opened its doors. Her family made the choice to prioritize the preciousness of childhood—making space in the day for time with nature and opportunities to learn about more than just academics.
With a reasonable dose of worry about how she’d fare in her later learning, they’re now seeing how her advanced ability to contextualize change and center herself with great compassion for others is not at all *separate* from her academic triumphs. She is a star student *because* of the time she was allowed to focus on these essential skills for being an empathetic and resilient human.
Congratulations to our Outdoor Education teacher Dorothy Varner for her nomination as most influential Environmental Advocate/Activist in the whole region! Middle Way families know this recognition comes naturally—Dorothy’s pure passion about the intersection of science and nature is delightfully contagious. With an abundant forest as an outdoor classroom, she keeps finding new ways to spark a joyful engagement. She has a gift for helping students truly feel the ways in which we are connected to what dwells around us—both seen and unseen.
When we understand our interconnection with all life, we become a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Thank you, Dorothy, for being an advocate for the earth and for showing us that science is pure magic!!
Middle Way School teachers and staff members recently gathered for a read-aloud focused on Black History Month. Our inspiring school librarian Robin Shornstein selected nearly 200 books that celebrate stories and achievements of people from African descent across the globe. These selections are being shared in our classrooms this month—and all throughout the year—to highlight the significant contributions and historical struggles of the African diaspora, to help us better understand the ways in which we are all connected.
Understanding the joys and hardships of others helps us to awaken our own hearts.
We applaud Robin Shornstein for her nomination in @Chronogram magazine’s esteemed Readers Poll this year as Best Librarian in the region. Anyone who has ever encountered her genuine enthusiasm for literacy and joyful involvement with every young reader’s interests will attest to how special she is.
Thank you, Robin, for inspiring both our students and our staff to push boundaries and fall in love with reading!
Last week, we welcomed Carlo Carranza from The Milinda Program of @KhyentseFoundation and Ken Ying from @translate84000 for a visit to the Middle Way School campus.
We were delighted to host them, share ideas centered on Buddhist-based education for children, and hear all about the wonderful projects they are a part of. What a great opportunity to collaborate and help each other flourish!
84000 is dedicated to accurately translating Buddha’s words into a range of modern languages for preservation and accessibility. The Milinda Program was created to ensure that the dharma taught in the future is authentic and powerful by creating a core training curriculum for dharma teachers and setting a common standard for teaching outside of Buddhist institutions.
Learn more about these inspiring projects:
Thank you for your heartwarming perspective, @lobsangtonden
In many cultures, Saraswati Day invites a celebration of scholarly learning, creativity, language, and an appreciation of the arts. This holiday is named for the pan-Asian deity who symbolizes knowledge, eloquence, and inspiration. Some choose this day to support a school, or symbolically start their children’s learning journey by teaching them the alphabet.
Is there a way you might honor the joy of learning, or embark on a new path of your own? In what ways do you make time for creativity in your week? When is the last time you were inspired by a poem or gazed at the stars in wonder? What music, song, dance, poetry, or films inspire you and why?
If you feel moved on this auspicious day to help learning flourish, we are grateful for your support: https://middlewayschool.org/annualfund/
✨ Registration is NOW OPEN for Middle Way School SUMMER of WONDER: 5 WEEKS! Jun. 30 – Aug. 2, 2025
Middle Way School SUMMER of WONDER welcomes all children for outdoor adventures and inward exploration! Five incredible weeks feature splashing in the sun, collaborative games, wilderness skills, arts and crafts, meditation, and more! Each week is infused with the Buddhist-based wisdom of awareness, tools for centering oneself, creating confidence, and building community.
Open to rising kindergarteners through rising 6th graders, plus MWS young alumni! If your child will be a young alumni of MWS and is interested in playing a helping role, please email for more info: [email protected].
✨ Early-bird discount NOW through Feb. 15!
To learn more and sign up today, visit:
Happy Lunar New Year! Today, people around the world are marking a fresh beginning as they celebrate the start of the “Year of the Wood Snake.” Many gather with their families to celebrate health and prosperity.
✨ How are you starting anew today? ✨
We invite you to reflect on this delightful Lunar New Year song that we’ll be singing on campus. “The Snake Year Song” was written by Middle Way School advisor Harry Einhorn for Middle Way Education:
Look at the sky we see the moon so clear
It’s time to celebrate the lunar year.
Twelve animals each following another
And each one has a lesson to discover.
Goodbye Dragon, thank you for your turn,
It’s time for the Snake, what can we learn?
Welcome snake, you touch the ground
Sensing everything around.
Elegant, you glide and bend,
Beautiful from end to end.
Look at the sky we see the moon so clear
It’s time to celebrate the lunar year.
Twelve animals each following another
And each one has a lesson to discover.
#compassionatechildren #alternativeeducation #lovingkindness #lunarnewyear #yearofthewoodsnake #childrensvoices #celebratingchange
Have you heard? Middle Way School is currently taking applications for the 2025-2026 school year! All applications received by January 30 will be reviewed for early admission.
MIDDLE WAY SCHOOL is a Buddhist-based elementary school that blends vibrant academics with timeless wisdom to cultivate compassionate, curious, and creative learners.
Voted ‘Best Independent School in the Hudson Valley’ for THREE YEARS IN A ROW, our forested campus offers an abundance of opportunities for outdoor learning and inward reflection. Scientific, student-centered, and inquiry-based approaches nurture a profound understanding of the world and self. We’re rethinking education to empower students with the knowledge, awareness, and skills needed to thrive in the modern world while honoring our interconnectedness with nature and all beings.
Now enrolling pre-K through sixth grades.
Learn more and explore the application process by visiting our Admissions page: www.middlewayschool.org/admissions (link in bio).
Can you please help us spread the word?
#compassionatechildren #alternativeeducation #lovingkindness #outdoorlearning #artsareessential #somuchtimeoutdoors#buddhisteducationforchildren #hudsonvalleyprivateschools #saugertiesschools #woodstockschools #catskillschools #kingstonny #huntertannersvilleschools #onteoraschools #ulstercounty #privateschoolhudsonvalley #privateschoolupstateny #privateschoolulstercounty #privateschoolcatskills #hudsonvalleyparents
What a beautiful way to welcome winter here in the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains!
As the Middle Way School community pauses to play, rest with our families, and enjoy the blanket of snow that now brightens our landscape, we would like to share our gratitude for the many ways we’ve been supported throughout the year.
Thank you for the encouragement, blessings, contributions of time and energy, and financial generosity you have shared with our school.
We feel your connection to us, and your shared aspirations give us hope for a brighter, more compassionate world.
May this tapestry of goodness be of benefit to all beings everywhere.
#buddhisteducationforchildren #interconnection #endlessappreciation #hopefulaspirations #dharmaeducation #doingthistogether #natureismagic
Happy Solstice to everyone—a welcoming of winter in the northern hemisphere, and summer in the southern hemisphere! We join in your celebrations of the seasons, and honor the ways in which we are all connected across the Earth.
Middle Way School traditionally closes the year with a solstice gathering of families. We listen to the joyful songs the children bravely share, we hear their precious wishes for the world, and we exchange the coziness of friendship. The evening ends with a silent walk through the forest, illuminated by little surprises of refuge made by our students.
Their lanterns are inscribed with a wish from their own heart.
Among them…
“May the light in me shine in the light of you.”
“May we all open our hearts to all beings.”
“May all beings have community to trust and lean on.”
“May we all see ourselves in others.”
“May all beings see the light in all forms.”
“May we find refuge in the light of our sangha.”
Thank you to those who created this tradition, and to those who will continue it for years to come. It is such a sweet reminder of our purpose.
#buddhisteducationforchildren #solstice #younghearts #metta #dharmaeducation #honoringoneanother
We are truly grateful for your enthusiasm, your blessings, and your financial support. As you express your generosity this season, please consider supporting Middle Way School.
Your contribution has a significant impact on each and every one of our students and staff—enriching our programming and facilities, contributing to need-based scholarships for young learners, and furthering our mission of creating education for children rooted in Buddhist wisdom and compassion.
Make a gift directly, or shop our charitable auction for ONE MORE DAY:
Auction ends Friday, Dec. 20 at noon (New York time)
All proceeds will support the 2024-25 Middle Way School Fund, which helps grow and further our mission of creating education for children rooted in Buddhist wisdom and compassion.
Many thanks to the families, artisans, practitioners, and businesses who donated to this very special auction!
#allflourishingismutual #saugertiesgives #givingwithgoodnessinmind #communityconnections #buddhisteducationforchildren #locallove #globalgenerosity
✨ The Middle Way School Holiday Market is LIVE!! ✨
An online silent auction focusing on THE GIFT OF COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS, this event’s aspiration is to bring the humans in our local community together, inspire new adventures, and foster friendships. Community is at the heart of what we do—leading with loving-kindness as we cultivate globally conscious minds.
All proceeds from the MWS Holiday Market will support the 2024-25 Middle Way School Fund, with a family fundraising goal of $108,000. Thank you for helping us grow and further our mission of creating education for children rooted in Buddhist wisdom and compassion.
✨ THANK YOU! Your support truly makes a difference!✨
Please share the MWS Holiday Market far and wide with your friends and family!! Let’s all flourish together.
Many thanks to the families, artisans, practitioners, and businesses who donated to this very special auction! Special thanks to @sawyersavingsbank for sponsoring our fundraising efforts.
#allflourishingismutual #saugertiesgives #givingwithgoodness #communityconnections #buddhisteducationforchildren #locallove #globalgenerosity
Each day at Middle Way School, we dedicate our thoughts and actions to benefit ALL beings everywhere. For such a big aspiration, we start with a simple wish: May all beings be happy and free. Every day, this is our wish for YOU.
Please support Buddhist-inspired education for a kinder and more compassionate world. A gift in ANY amount sustains our dharma-based programming and contributes to need-based scholarships for young learners.
(link also in IG bio)
We’re grateful for your support!
May all beings be happy and free
The Fawns (pre-k) and Snow Lions (kindergarten) classes were welcomed for a visit to White Feather Farm, a neighboring organic farm with a mission to create connection between community, culture, and land. Our youngest students spent the day learning all about soil, crop growth, and the lives of farm animals. They strolled through the greenhouses and got their hands dirty making a terrarium with a mixture of soil types and local wild plants. One highlight was visiting the chicken coop to inspect where the hens lay their eggs. Each child had the chance to hold a chicken and handle an egg fresh from the nest! Hands-on lessons like these offer precious opportunities to connect big ideas with lasting memories.
THANK YOU to the educators at White Feather Farm for creating connections between farming and fun! We’re grateful to share a community with you.
#outdoorclassroom #learningfromtheland #hudsonvalleyschools #saugerties #interconnection #ulstercountyschools #hudsonvalleyalternativeschools
As we lead into a season of gratitude, we’d like to say thanks to the Centerville Fire District and the important role they play in our community. This fall, friendly volunteers from the rescue team visited our campus to talk about fire safety skills. Not only did students get to tour the fire truck (whoa!), they also spent time noticing the sights and sounds that might accompany a rescue—an important skill for staying centered when encountering the unexpected.
THANK YOU, Centerville Fire District, for being such great neighbors! We appreciate your kindness and the bravery you share with our community all throughout the year.
Friendship. In honor of Rachel Brown, one of Middle Way School’s first teachers, we celebrate her life and contributions to our community and to all the communities she was a part of.
Rachel passed away in August 2023 and she is deeply missed. We are forever grateful to her for bravely joining the founding team of Middle Way School, when there was only a dream of what it could be. She taught us so much in the time she was with us, leaving an imprint of care and compassion on the school’s DNA.
In memory of the love that Rachel extended to each and every person she encountered, a Friendship Bench has been placed on the playground. The bench is a place for children to take a quiet moment, seek refuge, and cast their gaze inward or outward—whatever serves their wellbeing.
During the summer, a small dedication ceremony was held with some of the families and staff members who were directly touched by Rachel’s time at MWS. Once the school year began, our Dragons class (third grade) helped introduce this special addition to our campus by writing and illustrating a thoughtful book for each of the other classrooms. They made sure their schoolmates feel welcome to enjoy its refuge and take part in its caretaking. If we notice someone taking a moment there, we might pause to ask if they’d like some company.
Our hope is that this Friendship Bench will foster compassion in others, and that Rachel’s influence will continue to grow at our school.
We can help each other flourish.
In each moment, we can look for ways to support one another, while also caring for ourselves. We can share small acts of kindness that might make a big difference. We can make friends along the way.
Let’s do it!
#worldkindnessday #compassionatechildren #lovingkindness #metta #hudsonvalley #ouranimalneighbors #naturalwisdom #wisdombynature
With courageous optimism and a love of our community, we’re lacing up our ROLLER SKATES. For one evening, we’ll be skating our hearts out under a disco ball as we raise funds for Middle Way School—where children are learning compassion for all beings.
Please support us. A donation of any amount can go a long way! (link in bio)
Would you like to skate, too? We’d LOVE to share a little joy with you! Friday, Nov. 15 from 4 to 8 pm at Skate Time in Accord, NY.
We appreciate you so much.
Special thanks to our hosts @skatetimeny and @bjornqorn
#resilienceonrollerskates #youngatheart #compassion #community #discoball #sharejoy #boundlesslove #middleway
Tuesday, Oct. 29 is the final day for the month-long, online BOOK DRIVE where you can support Middle Way School from your own home, on your own schedule. Our goal is to acquire 100 new books for our school library and we’re at 62 so far. Can you help the school by donating a book from our wishlist?
We appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness needed to create a school library from the beginning. Now in its second year, the MWS library enriches the reading journey of all our students and provides precious teaching materials for our educators.
Thank you for your contribution!
(link in IG bio)
TODAY IS THE DAY! Saturday, Oct. 26 (10 am–2 pm)
268 West Saugerties Road, Saugerties, NY, 12477
OPEN HOUSE (10 am–12 pm): Come explore our forested campus, experience the classrooms, and meet our teachers. It’s a great opportunity to take in the vibrant energy and find out why we’ve been named “Best Independent School” by Chronogram readers for three consecutive years.
BOOK FAIR (10 am–2 pm): MWS Librarian Robin Shornstein has worked with independent bookstore The Golden Notebook to handpick books on loving-kindness, social consciousness, environmental sustainability, inclusivity, diversity, and Buddhist-inspired literature for children. Expect picture books, giggle books, and make-you-think books! Storytelling, music, and more starting at noon. Free to attend! 20% of all book sales support the not-for-profit Middle Way School.
Can’t make it that day? Schedule a tour anytime throughout the year, and visit the online Book Drive through Oct. 29. Link in IG bio!
#hudsonvalleyschools #hudsonvalleyfamilies #thingstodoinsaugerties #hudsonvalleyevents #thisweekendinsaugerties #buddhistinspired #dharmabooks #buddhisteducationforchildren
Join our growing team! We’re currently seeking a Second Grade Lead Teacher and a Fifth/Sixth Grade Math Teacher.
Would you like to join the vibrant working environment of a one-of-a-kind Buddhist elementary school? We’re seeking seasoned teachers who know how to meet conventional outcomes in unconventional ways.
Our campus is located at the base of the Catskill Mountains on five acres of forested land. Learning is enhanced by daily meditation, contemplative practice, and lots of time outdoors. Teachers are supported holistically with both personal and professional growth. Competitive salary; paid school breaks.
For job descriptions, including how to apply, please visit our CAREERS page (link in bio).
#saugertiesteachingjobs #saugertiesschools #hudsonvalleyteachers #woodstockteachingjobs #ulstercountyschools #catskillsteachers #dutchesscountyteachers #greenecountyteachers #onteorateachers #phoeniciateachers #kingstonteachers
Would you like to know more about Middle Way School?
THIS WEEKEND! Saturday, Oct. 26 (10 am–2 pm)
268 West Saugerties Road, Saugerties, NY, 12477
🌈 OPEN HOUSE (10 am–12 pm): Come explore our forested campus, experience the classrooms, and meet our teachers. It’s a great opportunity to take in the vibrant energy and find out why we’ve been named “Best Independent School” by Chronogram readers for three consecutive years.
📚 BOOK FAIR (10 am–2 pm): MWS Librarian Robin Shornstein has worked with independent bookstore The Golden Notebook to handpick books on loving-kindness, social consciousness, environmental sustainability, inclusivity, diversity, and Buddhist-inspired literature for children. Expect picture books, giggle books, and make-you-think books! Storytelling, music, and more starting at noon. Free to attend! 20% of all book sales (and 100% of the Bake Sale!) support the not-for-profit Middle Way School. Bring your appetite and invite a friend!
Can’t make it that day? Schedule a tour anytime throughout the year, and visit the online Book Drive through Oct. 29. Link in bio!
#hudsonvalleyschools #hudsonvalleyfamilies #thingstodoinsaugerties #hudsonvalleyevents #thisweekendinsaugerties
“We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms—waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of Water.
Now our minds are one.”
from the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address: Greetings to the Natural World (the Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen)
This translation of the Mohawk version of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address was drawn from the 1993 version that was developed by the Six Nations Indian Museum and the Tracking Project.
Middle Way School is pioneering a new model of education based on the best in education research and enhanced by the wisdom and compassion of Buddhist traditions. Master teachers with a deep understanding of childhood development are the pillars of this education. The Fifth/Sixth Grade Math Teacher is responsible for co-creating, evaluating, implementing and documenting curricula in cooperation with the Head of School, curriculum coordinators, and the Fifth/Sixth Grade Lead Teacher. The Fifth/Sixth Grade Math Teacher is responsible for supporting students’ development in all areas including social-emotional, physical, academic.
MWS school culture relies on daily meditation and ample professional support. We expect our teachers to meet conventional outcomes in unconventional ways and use skillful means to differentiate in ways that help meet students academically and socially. Teachers are expected to explore the Middle Way model of development and actively engage in its creation.
Interested in learning more? To see a full job description, please visit the link in our bio!
#saugertiesschools #ulstercountyschools #ulstercountyteachers #woodstockteachers #dutchesscountyteachers #greenecountyteachers #onteorateachers #hudsonvalleyteachers
Do Tulku Rinpoche returned to the Middle Way campus to lead lively (and sometimes hilarious!) discussions with students on big ideas—like what an apple tree needs to grow and why we as humans might sometimes suffer.
When he asked, “How do you be a ‘good’ person?” the students chimed in, “Be generous, compassionate, helpful, thoughtful, caring…”
“Does becoming a good person help you to be happy yourself?”
Students: “Yes!”
(a pause)
“Are you sure? What if you’re generous and you give and you don’t have anything for yourself?”
(another pause)
Students: “You can be too generous.”
“Ah! You need a boundary. Right? You need to know your limit. So good. I don’t know why I’m here—you know everything!”
And then a deer quietly passed by in the forest. So we stopped everything, watched, and appreciated the beauty of a changing moment.
We are so grateful for visiting teachers such as Do Tulku Rinpoche, who bring stories, questions, and new perspectives to enrich our school day.
We’re having a BOOK DRIVE with local independent bookstore, the Golden Notebook! Middle Way students and teachers have shared their wishlists. Would you like to see what books they’re dreaming of? Visit goldennotebook.com/middle-way-school-book-drive to see thoughtfully curated lists, focusing on dharma, diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, belonging, environmental sustainability, global culture, LGBTQ+, and social emotional learning.
Each book purchased will go directly into the children’s library at MWS, benefitting generations to come. ALSO, we will place a custom bookplate inside, honoring the purchaser as an expression of our gratitude.
As our school continues to grow, so does the need for expanded resources in our very new (one-year-old!) library. Thank you for helping to inspire young learners and open their minds to a whole world of understanding!
@goldennotebookbookstore #buylocal #communitysupport #librarylove #understandingdharma #buddhisteducaitonforchildren #booksmakegreatfriends
We had a wonderful time celebrating #worldteachersday this weekend, representing Middle Way School at a local fall festival! Flowers were given, songs filled the field, and many great conversations were shared. Thank you, @woodstock_land_conservancy , for hosting such a fun day for families to enjoy nature and come together as a community!
#woodstockfamilies #celebrationofnature #communityconnections #forestedcampus #outdoorlearning #conservation #contemplation #weloveourteachers
This evening’s full harvest moon will also be a supermoon and a partial lunar eclipse! When natural occurrences seem extra special, some Buddhist practitioners feel inspired to recognize intense energies and embrace them—rather than leave them to influence our emotions and actions without awareness.
This morning we gathered on campus for a Riwo Sangchö fire puja to make aspirations through traditional offerings of rice, flowers, foods, and fragrant branches—that all beings be freed from suffering, confused thinking, volatile emotions, and tangled thoughts that may leave us feeling powerless or cause us to act out against others.
#offeringforpeace #settingintentions #childrenswishes #morningsoncampus #buddhisteducationforchildren #mountain #smoke #puja
What a beautiful beginning! Each year is a blank canvas awaiting a creative collaboration between teachers, students, and families. It is always SO LOVELY to see this commence on campus. As we set our intentions for an enriching year of learning alongside one another, we lead with an aspiration:
May all beings be happy,
May all beings be free.
From our own good hearts,
May we find ways to help,
And strive to never cause harm.
When harm occurs,
We will repair it right away.
May all animals, insects, and peoples
live in harmony together
as our paths unfold
on our beautiful shared Earth.
#newschoolyear #hudsonvalleyschools #contemplativelearning #buddhisteducationforchildren #settingintentions
This morning, Middle Way teachers and staff are greeting the morning from the top of the mountain! To gather and ground as a group, we are coming together at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD), overlooking Woodstock and beyond. We chose this welcoming space because it allows us to reconnect without distractions and begin the school year by setting our collective intentions. We’ll be focusing on community, caretaking, and curriculum—sharing ideas and learning from one another.
We offer our gratitude to KTD, to its residents and staff, and to Lama Lodro Lhamo, KTD President, for hosting us today. Thank you for the welcoming hospitality and the beautifully serene location. We’re grateful to be neighbors with you!
#buddhisteducationforchildren #buddhistelementary #hudsonvalleyschools #community #caringforoneanother #caringforourspaces #caringforourstudents #caringforourselves #settingintentions
WE’RE HIRING! As we continue to grow, we’re expanding our team of support. We’re currently hiring for a range of positions—both teaching and administrative.
Please visit our CAREERS page (link in bio) to learn more!
Middle Way School is pioneering a progressive model of education based on contemporary research and enhanced by the wisdom and compassion of Buddhist traditions.
The school provides an uplifted, dynamic working environment with daily meditation and ample professional support. Dignity of labor is a key teaching at the school and all members of the community are treated with equal respect. Staff must have a deep appreciation of children and an interest in the Middle Way view.
Being a practicing Buddhist is not necessary. However, an understanding of Buddhist principles and terminology and experience in Buddhist practices are appreciated.
#ulstercountyjobs #saugertiesjobs #hudsonvalleyjobs #bestindependentschool #compassionatecareers #woodstockjobs #kingstonjobs #upstateteachers #workinthewoods
Wednesday, July 17, is the last day to register for SUMMER of WONDER—a special day-camp experience for children ages 4 to 11.
☀️FINAL WEEK: JULY 22 – 26: Nature + Elements
For details, visit:
Let’s dive into the world of forest imagination! Explore the wonders of the woods while learning about foraging and honing navigation skills. We’ll balance collaborative games in the field and forest with nature stories and campfire skills like fireside cooking. There will also be plenty of time to delight in water play and wild-crafted artwork with found materials.
Find out why we’ve been named “Best Independent School” in the Hudson Valley by @chronogram readers for THREE consecutive years.
Questions? Reach out to [email protected]
#getoutside #hudsonvalleysummercamps #hudsonvalleycamps #catskillscamps #saugertiescamps #hudsonvalleyparents #upstatecamps #hudsonvalleysummer
Looking for a JULY day camp experience that’s just the right fit? It’s not too late to register for SUMMER of WONDER, beginning next week! Ages 4 to 11.
☀️JULY 8 – 12: Movement + Games
☀️JULY 15 – 19: Art + Creativity
☀️JULY 22 – 26: Nature + Elements
For details and registration, visit:
Collaborative games, finding harmony in the wild, peaceful meditation skills, animal tracking, campfire cooking, natural dyeing and printmaking, climate experiments, and SO much more!
Find out why we’ve been named “Best Independent School” in the Hudson Valley by @chronogram readers for THREE consecutive years.
Questions? Reach out to [email protected]
#getoutside #hudsonvalleysummercamps #hudsonvalleycamps #catskillscamps #saugertiescamps #hudsonvalleyparents #upstatecamps #hudsonvalleysummer
For the THIRD YEAR in a row, we’re delighted to share our gratitude. In such a vibrant region—full of individuals and organizations sharing their special skills and unique offerings—it’s an honor to have been named 2024 BEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL in the Hudson Valley.
Congratulations to our Head of School Grace Ann Louis for being chosen as Best Youth Advocate, and to MWS Advisor Amy Brown-White for being named Best Racial Justice Advocate and Activist.
THANK YOU to over 25,000 @chronogram readers for sending your best wishes our way.
At Middle Way School, we’re exploring the rich potential of infusing modern education with the wisdom and compassion of Buddhist teachings. May the lessons we learn and the celebrations we share be of benefit to all.
#hudsonvalleyschools #chronogrammies2024 #ulstercountyschools #upstatenewyork #upstatecamps #buddhisteducation #alternativeeducation #saugerties #outdoorlearning #middleway #dharmabasedlearning
@chronogram @khyentsefoundation @abwconsulting7 @middlewayedu @middlewayschoolpca
Congratulations to Amy Brown-White for being honored as Best Racial Justice Advocate and Activist in the Hudson Valley. As a Middle Way School Advisor, Amy leads our conversations around diversity, race, privilege, and inclusion. Guided by empathy and interconnection, she challenges our understanding of one another and hones our awareness of injustice.
In her practice, Amy helps reexamine established organizations that wish to shift their personal narrative and become more equitable. She promotes the understanding of people with threatened identities and researches those experiences to break down barriers.
We’re thrilled to see Amy Brown-White receive this honor for her ongoing work in this field. We’re grateful for her wise and generous perspective, which continually reshapes our school.
@abwconsulting7 @chronogram #hudsonvalleyschools #chronogrammies #ulstercountyschools #upstatenewyork #buddhisteducation #alternativeeducation #saugerties #compassionatekids #middleway #rethinkingeducation #everythingisconnected #awakenedmind #letsdothistogether
Let’s hear it for our Head of School Grace Ann Louis!! For a THIRD YEAR, she’s been named Best Youth Advocate in the Hudson Valley by @chronogram readers. Over 25,000 people voted, casting over 480,000 ballots.
Grace is known for her skill in the classroom, her warm and creative leadership, and her ability to keep all the balls in the air with a cheerful smile. She has over two decades of experience in approaching Early Childhood Education from a contemplative vantage. She believes in creating the conditions for every child to encounter a confidence and true delight within themselves so that they may become lifelong learners.
We’re so glad to see her endless dedication recognized by this award! Thank you, Grace, for advocating for each child’s relationship with learning. May your compassionate influence continue to ripple outwards into the world.
#hudsonvalleyschools #chronogrammies2024 #ulstercountyschools #upstatenewyork #alternativeeducation #saugerties #upstatesummercamp #rethinkingeducation #woodstock #kingston #catskill #phoenicia #awakenedmind #buddhisteducationforchildren #contemplativelearning #dharma
For the THIRD YEAR in a row, we’re delighted to share our gratitude. Thank you for declaring MWS the BEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL in the Hudson Valley!
In such a vibrant region—full of individuals and organizations sharing their special skills and unique offerings—it’s an honor to have the compliments of our community.
THANK YOU to over 25,000 @chronogram readers, casting 480,000+ votes throughout the season.
What makes Middle Way School so special? We’re rethinking the school experience, exploring the rich potential of infusing modern education with the wisdom and compassion of Buddhist teachings. We’re shifting the way children relate to learning, leading with loving-kindness as we cultivate globally conscious minds.
Curious? We have a few spots in our Summer of Wonder day-camp experience, starting NEXT WEEK! Sign up at https://middlewayschool.org/summer/
#hudsonvalleyschools #chronogrammies2024 #ulstercountyschools #upstatenewyork #upstatecamps #buddhisteducation #alternativeeducation #saugerties #outdoorlearning #middleway #rethinkingeducation #dharmabasedlearning #ancientwisdom #modernage
As we approach these final days of the school year, we also near the close of our 2023–2024 Middle Way School Annual Fund.
This year we’ve made a promise: Every dollar up to $10,000 given to the MWS Annual Fund until the last day of school on June 18 will directly support our amazing Teachers.
Now that the school’s annual fundraising goal has been met, this generosity is to be shared directly with our Teachers as an expression of our community gratitude.
With only a week to go, please help us honor their extraordinary efforts and their endless inspiration. Their presence at our school is a labor of love for dharma-based children’s education.
Give thanks with your tax-deductible donation today:
(link in IG bio)
With heartfelt sincerity, we thank you!
#gratitude #generosity #sangha #sharing #inspiration #teachers #buddhisteducationforchildren #takingcareofeachother #dharmabasedlearning #honoringourteachers
Summer plans? Our NEW day-camp experience blends joyful forest adventures with the superpower of self-centering.
Sign up today for this special dharma-driven exploration! Collaborative games, finding harmony in the wild, tracking challenges, campfire cooking, natural dyeing, printmaking, climate experiments, and so much more!
☀️JULY 8 – 12: Movement + Games
☀️JULY 15 – 19: Art + Creativity
☀️JULY 22 – 26: Nature + Elements
For details and registration, visit:
Find out why we’ve been named “Best Independent School” in the Hudson Valley by @chronogram readers for two consecutive years.
Questions? Reach out to [email protected]
#bestindependentschool #summeroutofthecity #getoutside #buddhisteducationforchildren #buddhistcamps #hudsonvalleysummercamps #hudsonvalleycamps #catskillscamps #saugertiescamps #hudsonvalleyparents #upstatecamps #hudsonvalleysummer
FIELD DAY!! It’s a chance to celebrate exuberance, teamwork, and respect for one another. Like many schools, there are silly sack races, playful parachute games, wild water relays, bubble stations, and so much more!
At Middle Way School, athletic fun is balanced with options for centering—like a shady haven in the forest to quietly craft fairy houses from nature. Some opt for yoga in the library, or relaxing work-together games with friends. With each option, a teacher welcomes them into the space and supports their needs in the present moment.
Throughout the school year, meditation and awareness practices help students learn how to notice their feelings, emotions, bodily feedback, and their environment. They are encouraged to take breaks that benefit both themselves and others. These are important skills for becoming adept at self-regulating stress and replenishing harmony within a group.
Want to learn more about the Middle Way School experience? Our “Summer of Wonder” program offers 3 weeks of themed adventures for campers ages 4 to 11—with plenty of nature, art, and mindful movement.
Sign up today while there’s still space!
Learn more about the role of “Choice Time” in an article written by Mary Ellen Kenny, MWS Academic Curriculum Advisor: http://mailchi.mp/f85db68fa0ff/mws-studentchoice
#hudsonvalleysummercamps #saugertiescamps #ulstercountycamps #upstateny #buddhismforchildren#upstatecamps #upstatesummercamp #hudsonvalleycamps #dharmaforkids #middleway
This Friday, May 31 (5 – 6:30 pm), we welcome you to @cygnets_way to hear Sarah Beasley, Middle Way School’s Dharma Education Coordinator and Teacher, in conversation about her book, Kindness For All Creatures: Buddhist Advice for Compassionate Animal Care (@shambhala_publications).
Community event, open to all ages 12+
By donation; RSVP link in bio
Sarah will speak about death and dying for families in relationship to animal chaplaincy. She’ll also touch on talking about death with children, along with views on death and dying in Buddhist community and culture.
In past years, Sarah has taught widely in the U.S. and Europe on Practices for Death and Dying, based on traditional Tibetan Buddhist texts. Her style includes pathos, humor, and curiosity toward facets of death and dying with all their complexities and nuance. Signed copies of her book will be available for purchase at the event.
#kindnessforallcreatures #sarahbeasley #middlewayschool #dharmatalk #deathanddying #lovingkindness #buddhistschools
Interested in enrolling? Want to learn more? Fill out this simple contact form (link below) and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Middle Way School holds regular open houses. We also can arrange individual tours. This form will automatically sign you up for important notifications regarded enrollment.
Thanks for your interest in Middle the Way School!

All major religions of the world have systems of educating children in their traditions, beliefs, rituals, and values. There are maktab and madrasas for Muslims, Catholic schools, Jewish day schools, Sunday schools, Catechism classes, all kinds of afterschool programs, camps, and specialized schools meant to teach children to become the stewards of their respective religious traditions. Buddhist education for children has, for the most part, been offered to monastic communities with grassroots initiatives few and far between. Because Buddhism is not culture bound, there are few broadly accepted holidays, festivals and customs to introduce to children. Often, the transference of the Buddhist view happens in the home. Some Buddhist parents have independently created programs for children, but there is no generally accepted content or method for teaching the dharma to children.
To bridge this gap, a team of educators and active Buddhists, inspired by the vision of Bhutanese Buddhist master Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, began exploring the possibility of creating such a model of education. It became clear that the model had to be developed in situ, in an actual school. Middle Way Education was established to spearhead this effort.
In 2017 after exploring options in Bali, Indonesia, India, and Taiwan, it was decided that the Middle Way pilot school should be located in Upstate New York. The Middle Way School opened in 2018 with 17 students in West Saugerties. In 2020 we enrolled 55 students in 6 classes.
The Hudson Valley is an ideal location for our pilot school. The welcoming and independent mindset in this area, along with supportive communities like Zen Mountain Monastery, Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Omega Institute, and other centers of study and practice, makes this a fertile ground for a new model of education to come into being.
We hire and enroll without discriminating against any identifying factor which may include race, age, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socioeconomic background. We will make accessibility accommodations for individuals with disabilities to the fullest extent possible. As an institution and as individuals we recognize that we have the responsibility to actively change the power differences that perpetuate biases against historically underrepresented groups. Our inclusion efforts are a dynamic process. We welcome your experience and invite your input on how our school community can continue to evolve.